Eilisain aka Lisette in Gaelic

Welcome to my blog, where I document my process in making jewelry, muse on the influence of art and the joy of making beautiful objects.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bad artists copy. great artists steal - Pablo Picasso

I just stole that blog subject!

Scoutie Girl wrote a great article on artistic inspiration and what is considered 'stealing'.

It's sticky subject and one I run into myself at school. I've had that feeling once, of someone ripping off 'my idea' but was it really my idea when the pattern I cut out could be found in so many other places, in nature or anywhere else?

At times I've worried that if I look at too many art jewelry books, magazines and websites I'd be too easily influenced. But I can't stop my hunger of analyzing and also being inspired but other metalsmiths. So that is why I expand my sources and places of inspiration.

This is a good quote in the article:
Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. (more...)- Jim Jarmusch.

Read on...

What do you consider stealing?
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