Eilisain aka Lisette in Gaelic

Welcome to my blog, where I document my process in making jewelry, muse on the influence of art and the joy of making beautiful objects.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

small forest

my obsession with coral continues. For my mixed media class with Bob Ebendorf I hit a wall. We were assigned to make a wearable object with textile. I bought some black lace and
Greek ribbon and intended to make a head piece but I just couldn't figure out the mechanics and then I felt obligated to make it and then lastly, procrastinated until the night before!

Finally I spoke with Bob and well, I'm sticking with what I love and am currently crazy about, coral. So here is the beginning of the necklace, a coral forest. Pin It


  1. May inspiration breezes pass slowly enough through your mind that you can catch them, Lisette. (keep a sketchpad always handy!) Good luck to you. (I've got a rather nice stash of raw black coral myself!)It works so easily.

  2. Thanks Scott! I've got several sketchbooks and do compile inspirational photos. However, I probably could've thought more creatively on this project - I will for the next one!

