Eilisain aka Lisette in Gaelic

Welcome to my blog, where I document my process in making jewelry, muse on the influence of art and the joy of making beautiful objects.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Winthrop Intercollegiate Exhibition

I got two of my pieces in! Whooopeee! Yes, I am a dork.

Y'know that thought, that all artists have, the doubt of not getting into an exhibition or thinking, "My work is not yet worthy".

Well, I'm chucking those negative thoughts and entering my work for exhibitions this year! To read more about the Winthrop Intercollegiate Exhibiton, and Winthrop's metals department check out their website.

I have to admit, I'm envious of their awesome cleaning posters and marketing...I think ECU's metals guild needs to catch up.
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  1. Congratulations! And yes, apply, apply, apply! You never know! Applications keep you on your toes and they end up preparing you for more. You might find getting images, the image info list, resume, etc. together a few times means you are ready for even more as they come along. You will already have all the materials ready to go. Good luck!

  2. Thanks! You are definitely right about applications keeping us on our toes...I'm currently working on my artist statement..ugh! haha.

